"If you have one nazi sitting at a table, and nine more guys sit down and start talking to him, well… you got ten nazis at a table."
-Bavarian Proverb

"If you're at a rally, and there's a guy with a nazi flag, and nobody's kicking him out… you're at a nazi rally."
-American Proverb

Seattle Nazi gets laid out

Nazi Punks Fuck Off (Dead Kennedys)

The Bear Jew (Inglorious Basterds)

A bonehead with porkchops gets his just desserts

German spies executed by firing squad during World War 2

A german spy executed by firing squad during World War 2 (Kitzingen, Bavaria)

Rick and Summer work out, then beat the shit out of some bullies, starting with a bonehead

News report: Berkeley Teacher Caught On Video Throwing Punches At Neo-Nazi Supporter

Racist dickbag knocked out on the Londan Central Line